anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Rural Queensland

“Charlie Trindall is a Gamilaroi man from Western New South Wales with a great gift for song-writing and performing. When I heard him in Toowoomba there was no guitar in his hand, he just wanted to yarn about dust,” (Bishop Cam Venables)

More than we realise

“Charlie Trindall did not answer the questions he’d asked, instead leaving them with us as a gift. The wisdom he offered continues to reframe the Ash Wednesday affirmation and some of the familiar words we use at funerals,” says Bishop Cam Venables

The Baru Beat

Bush generosity and a pub wake

“Towards the end of the parishioner’s funeral, I said that, ‘We will see all of you at the pub after the service.’ It meant something to her family and friends that I was part of the group of loved ones grieving her loss. Her son subsequently shouted me a beer, later commenting how much he appreciated my care for his mum…Our parish can only afford a full-time priest because of the Bush Ministry Fund, which is overseen by Bishop Cam Venables,” says The Rev’d Matthew Skelton from The Parish of Allora Clifton

The Baru Beat

Oh, the Places You'll Go (in a 4x4)!

“In our Meals on Wheels group there is a dearth of four-wheel-drives, so my Meals on Wheels partner and I were allocated the difficult delivery in question. My first delivery was very challenging. The road access was narrow, rough, awkward and definitely unsuited to conventional vehicles,” says BMF deacon The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss from The Parish of Brisbane Valley

Reflections & Features

Maranoa Warrego Anglican Mission Area remembered

“We Anglicans in the Maranoa and Warrego Regions have learned much from the foundation of the first Mission District (later Mission Area) of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. We have learnt that new ministry models need to be developed in an ongoing way, requiring flexibility as the needs of an area change,” says Jennifer Crocker from The Parish of Mitchell

The Baru Beat

"Will you tie it up with wire, just to keep the show on the road?"

“But the Guild and the canteen keep running and keep serving. As Australian singer John Williamson would put it, we “tie it up with wire, just to keep the show on the road”. I don’t know what we, or the wider community, would do without the Ladies’ Guild. It’s been part of the saleyards and part of people’s lives and memories for so long. We’ll find a way to keep it going,” says The Rev’d Sue Barker from The Parish of Goonaneman