anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Bush Ministry Fund

Full of Christmas cheer: some Parish of Brisbane Valley team members preparing Christmas lunch and treats in 2023, with Jocelyn Cameron, Rosemary Heath, Sue Cook, Chris Leagas, The Rev'd Loretta Tyler-Moss, Leah Hayward
The Baru Beat

“Making room in our church’s ‘inn’ for those needing company and others wishing to serve”

“For some, these Christmas gatherings serve a significant role in providing company and a place to be…For others, the opportunity to serve, to be purposeful, to be needed at Christmas time is equally significant,” says Bush Ministry Fund priest The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss

The Baru Beat

“Through collective prayer and collaboration, our foodbank has been blessed”

“As we launch our foodbank in early December, please hold us in your prayers. The need is great, and we are very keen to respond to human need in loving service. Please pray that we may be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, compassionate to those we seek to serve and creative and collaborative in our work together,” says The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss