“One of the highlights of my role is caring for clergy and helping to resource them so their ministries can flourish. Organising subsidised two-day mental health first aid training courses is one of the ways I implement this,” says Wellbeing and Development Officer Rebecca McLean
“All people like to be appreciated for their service and work. And, our clergy work really hard as they fulfill their unique calls to ordained ministry – whether in parish, chaplaincy, pastoral care, advocacy, Episcopal, theological education and managerial spaces,” says Wellbeing and Development Officer Rebecca McLean
“There was no set date for my retirement. No celebration. No intentional, ‘Now I begin a new stage of my life!’ Perhaps it was my decision not to continue lecturing at St Francis College that led to my retirement. I think receiving my Pensioner Concession Card was the clincher. Nevertheless, I simply morphed into retirement and I’m loving it,” says The Rev’d Dr Carol Hebron
“A common emerging theme in these chats is that clergy feel that the demands on their time exceed the number of hours in a day, but that being disciplined about their weekly day off is essential to their wellbeing. What I’ve subsequently discovered is that clergy conceive their day off in different ways – in ways that are uniquely authentic and nourishing,” says Wellbeing and Development Officer Rebecca McLean from the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission