anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


News News

anglican focus wins prestigious social media award

Our Diocesan community, under the anglican focus banner, won ‘Best Social Media Campaign’ at the Australasian Religious Press Association Awards, which were announced on Friday night – congratulations to the six dedicated priests and parishioners who contributed engaging and insightful anglican focus content for the winning #AprilAngel campaign


Day of Prayer for Refugees

“For the 65 million displaced people fleeing war and persecution across the globe, ‘home’ is also a political word in a time where humanity can choose to either turn its back and reinforce the national barricades or else affirm that we are indeed responsible for one another,” reflects The Rev’d Sue Grimmett as The Day of Prayer for Refugees approaches on Sunday 25 August


Camping out at the aged-care home

“By sharing in Communion together, everyone gained a new and deeper understanding of what it means to say, ‘We are the Body of Christ, for we all share in the one bread’,” says Director of Youth, Children’s and Families Ministry Jonathan Kemp on the recent Senior Ichthus Camp visit to a retirement village