Would you like to become a member of Diocesan Council this year?
Diocesan Synod will elect the five clergy and five lay Diocesan Council members in June this year. Expressions of interest are now open for Diocesan Council membership
Diocesan Synod will elect the five clergy and five lay Diocesan Council members in June this year. Expressions of interest are now open for Diocesan Council membership
“For some, these Christmas gatherings serve a significant role in providing company and a place to be…For others, the opportunity to serve, to be purposeful, to be needed at Christmas time is equally significant,” says Bush Ministry Fund priest The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss
Meet Rheanca Lincoln and find out about her social justice activism, her current extra-curricular activities at The Glennie School, what person of faith inspires her the most and what her secret skill is
A biography writing programme that helps aged care residents reflect on their life story and reconnect with distant memories is the latest pastoral care offering by Anglicare Southern Queensland; and is providing joy for both residents and volunteer biographers alike as opportunities to reminisce transform into written text
“How to engage the community and lead people to the church? Diana Ferrari’s answer to this question was to start an op shop at The Parish of Freshwater’s Deception Bay church in May 2019…Diana’s vision was to attract people in the community who would spend time at the shop, linger over coffee from the cafe, and become acquainted with the church and its members,” says Karen Higgins from The Parish of Freshwater
“As a Guide, whether you are showing one or two visitors, or a larger group, around it’s always a thrill to see their reaction as you explain the Cathedral and its many treasures to them,” says Cathedral Guide Denzil Scrivens
“There are many great opportunities to serve in governance in our Diocese, including in our parishes, Commissions, committees, ministries and Diocesan Council. AICD scholarships are currently available for current or aspiring members of some of these groups,” says Joanne Stone, ACSQ Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of the Finance and Diocesan Services Commission
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