anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Western Region


More than we realise

“Charlie Trindall did not answer the questions he’d asked, instead leaving them with us as a gift. The wisdom he offered continues to reframe the Ash Wednesday affirmation and some of the familiar words we use at funerals,” says Bishop Cam Venables

The Baru Beat

Oh, the Places You'll Go (in a 4x4)!

“In our Meals on Wheels group there is a dearth of four-wheel-drives, so my Meals on Wheels partner and I were allocated the difficult delivery in question. My first delivery was very challenging. The road access was narrow, rough, awkward and definitely unsuited to conventional vehicles,” says BMF deacon The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss from The Parish of Brisbane Valley

Reflections & Features

All Saints’, Cambooya: a brief history

“Our vision for our communities on the Downs is to truly show the great love of God as we go out into these communities in the faithfulness and grace of Christ – just as it has been since Benjamin Glennie first came by horse to this ‘small and uncivilised’ area of what was formerly part of the vast Newcastle Diocese,” says The Rev’d Rick Gummow