anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Mothers Union

Sarah Gover and an Anglican goat owner from The Parish of Kawangire in December 2023
Justice & Advocacy

Successful Rwandan goat programme funded by ACSQ Anglicans

“Every Rwandan goat owner shared a similar story about how their life was better now that they had the goats — their farm was producing more, they could pay school fees for their children, and they had dreams for other improvements…I accepted their thanks, but it didn’t belong to me. It belongs to Southern Queensland Anglicans who have given money to Brisbane-based Anglican Aid Abroad and made this grant possible,” says Sarah Gover


The miraculous story of baby Angeer

“Because I had been flown from Juba in a Mission Aviation Fellowship plane, I was able to arrange for baby Angeer to be airlifted to a hospital in Juba. She was held lovingly in the aircraft on the way,” says Bishop Daniel Abot from South Sudan


"The first Easter I remember"

“As a community, after the Easter Day service we celebrated the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with a big kai kai (feast). People from all over the Torres Strait Islands and Papua New Guinea (which was then still administered by Australia) came via sailing canoes rather than by motor boats, bringing seafood, taro, sweet potato, casava, sago and other traditional foods. We then had traditional dancing with men wearing headdresses made of emu feathers and women wearing grass skirts,” says Uncle Milton Walit from NATSIAC and The Parish of Laidley


Archbishop Jeremy’s 2024 New Year message

“There’s so much exciting collaboration already happening, both within our Diocese and through wider community engagement. And, I encourage all parts of our Diocesan community to keep exploring new ways to connect and engage, as we build up one another and collectively demonstrate Jesus’ love to all whom we encounter. Throughout 2024, I’d love you to let me know how you are making this happen, so please drop me a line so I can share your story with the Diocesan community,” says Archbishop Jeremy Greaves

Justice & Advocacy

Banyo’s new red bench blessed

“It is important for St Oswald’s Church to increase domestic and family violence awareness as part of our parish’s Mission Action Plan. This plan helps Banyo parishioners implement our commitment to challenging violence, particularly violence within families,” says The Parish of Banyo’s Elizabeth Nunn