‘New’ JobSeeker payment will plunge people into poverty
Anglicare Australia and UnitingCare Australia have come together to condemn the Government’s announcement on the JobSeeker payment, which has come after months of uncertainty
Anglicare Australia and UnitingCare Australia have come together to condemn the Government’s announcement on the JobSeeker payment, which has come after months of uncertainty
Releasing research from two of the largest charitable networks in Australia, Anglicare Australia and UnitingCare Australia say cutting payments back to their old rates will plunge people back into poverty
Anglicare Southern Queensland is calling on the Federal Government to raise the rate of welfare payments for good, with analysis showing that a return to the previous $40-a-day Newstart Allowance rate would have a dire effect on rental affordability in Brisbane
Anglicare Australia says changes to JobSeeker will push people into poverty when they should be planning for their future
Anglicare Australia says that a permanent increase to JobSeeker has become urgent, with unemployment at a record high
Anglicare Australia has renewed its call to raise the rate of JobSeeker (formerly Newstart) and related payments for good, following the release of the Australian Council of Social Service’s Poverty in Australia 2020 report
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