anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Marks of Mission

Reflections Melanesian man ringing a church bell by pulling on a rope Reflections

What can we learn about mission from one of the world’s most successful religious orders?

“Being sent out in mission does not necessarily mean going somewhere far away. If God’s mission has placed you right where you are at this moment, how could mission bring hope, healing and the flourishing of life into the communities where you find yourself?” asks Brad Chapman, Missioner for the Anglican Board of Mission and Provincial Clergy Conference speaker

On Tuesday 23 January, St Peter’s, Maroochydore representatives gathered with wider community members to celebrate the launch of the Sunshine Coast Biosphere at the Sunshine Coast Council Chambers, including (L-R, top row) Cam Burton (Barung Landcare), Colin Ross, Bernie Craven (Waste Free Systems), Brian Warner, Taylor Ladd-Hudson (Kids in Action) and (L-R, bottom row) Michelle Lipner (OzHarvest Sunshine Coast), The Rev’d Tania Eichler, Jenny Tudman, Gwen Tremlett
Justice & Advocacy

St Peter’s, Maroochydore community features in Council video series

“St Peter’s, Maroochydore recently participated in a video series showcasing the work of different people and organisations involved in the Sunshine Coast biosphere project. In our video, we shared our story about how we partner with OzHarvest to provide food and support and reduce food waste through our weekly community meal,” says The Rev’d Tania Eichler

Justice & Advocacy

Bangkok, Brisbane and the Biblical call for creation care

While the scale of climate injustice in the world can sometimes feel overwhelming, there are practical things we can do together to bring about a world where peace and justice flow like a river in our relationships with one another, with God and with God’s good creation,” says the Justice Unit’s Peter Branjerdporn, as the Season of Creation approaches 

Justice & Advocacy

Banyo’s new red bench blessed

“It is important for St Oswald’s Church to increase domestic and family violence awareness as part of our parish’s Mission Action Plan. This plan helps Banyo parishioners implement our commitment to challenging violence, particularly violence within families,” says The Parish of Banyo’s Elizabeth Nunn