“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen. Almighty God, You are the source of justice and peace, the protector of the vulnerable, and the hope of all who trust in You. As we gather tonight, we come with hearts filled with purpose, seeking to honour the dignity of every life and to act as instruments of Your justice. In Gaza, Palestinian families are enduring suffering beyond words. Children are left orphaned, the sick lack healthcare, and countless lives are being displaced by the bombing. May Your mercy be their refuge, Your justice their shield, and Your peace their hope. Strengthen those who suffer and guide those who work tirelessly to provide relief and restore dignity. Lord Jesus Christ, You showed us how to serve with courage and compassion. You stood with the oppressed, brought healing to the broken, and proclaimed truth even in the face of persecution. Teach us to follow in Your footsteps, to speak truth boldly, no matter the cost, and to labour with love for justice and peace in Palestine and Lebanon. For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and always and forever and ever. Amen,” prays Christian Palestinian Imad
World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary The Rev’d Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay has condemned the escalating violence in the Middle East, including Israel’s recent airstrikes on Iran and its ongoing military operations in Gaza and Lebanon
“Out of God’s sovereignty I believe that good will come out of all this. God knows what is going on and he will bring about a just peace and something good, even if we as human beings can’t see it yet; and, even though Palestinians have been waiting for a very long time,” says Anglican Palestinian Randa