anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Youth and young adults

Video Video

We are Anglicare Southern Queensland

Anglicare Southern Queensland provides a range of social and community services, including counselling, family and wellbeing support, homelessness and housing services and youth support

"The people whom you hang out with are who you become. I would tell my teenage self to find friends that will bring out the best in you," (17-year-old Peter Dutton in 2002)

What I would tell my teenage self: Peter Dutton, Lydia Fairhall, Cameron Freese and Stewart Perry

What would you tell your teenage self if you could go back in time? Peter Dutton from St Bart’s, Toowoomba, Lydia Fairhall from St Francis College, The Rev’d Cameron Freese from The Parish of East Redland and The Rev’d Canon Stewart Perry from The Parish of Robina share their thoughts

Dates & Seasons

Anglicare Sunday

“Sunday 13 August 2023 was designated at the recent Synod as ‘Anglicare Sunday’ in our Diocese. This day is a wonderful opportunity for parishes and other faith communities to acknowledge, celebrate and pray for the work of Anglicare Southern Queensland,” says Dr Stephen Harrison