anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Celebrating diversity

Video Smiling woman helping elderly man onto a bus Video

Discover the Benefits of Anglicare’s Home Support Services

Do you or your loved one need extra support at home? Anglicare provides a full range of services, including cleaning, shopping and bus trips. This video outlines how Anglicare Southern Queensland client, Graham, benefits from the variety of care Anglicare offers: “I find Anglicare provides everything I need”.

Reflections Woman and girl in a hospital with teddy bears featuring Aboriginal designs Reflections

“I can’t hug all the kids in the hospital. So, I figured a First Nations teddy bear could”

“As a proud Waanyi Garawar and Kaurareg girl, I decided to blend compassion with my First Nations heritage by designing teddy bears for child patients at the Hervey Bay Hospital. A hug can make the biggest difference, but I can’t hug all the kids in the hospital. So, I figured a First Nations teddy bear could,” says Ebony from Fraser Coast Anglican College
