anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Five Marks of Mission

Reflections Melanesian man ringing a church bell by pulling on a rope Reflections

What can we learn about mission from one of the world’s most successful religious orders?

“Being sent out in mission does not necessarily mean going somewhere far away. If God’s mission has placed you right where you are at this moment, how could mission bring hope, healing and the flourishing of life into the communities where you find yourself?” asks Brad Chapman, Missioner for the Anglican Board of Mission and Provincial Clergy Conference speaker

"...we are holding an Open Space discussion on peace at St John’s Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane on Saturday, 2 March 2024, starting with a 9am Eucharist and the Open Space running between 9.45am and 2.30pm. All those interested in peace...are invited to help shape our responses and grow our learning, fellowship and faith in response to the Synod motion and to Christ’s teachings," (The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris)
Justice & Advocacy

Active peacemaking Synod motion

“We know as Christians our citizenship in God’s kingdom is demonstrated through the sharing and advocating of love, justice and peace for everybody,” says The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris


Knowing me, Knowing You: understanding the “A-word" (and it’s not “Abba”)

“The challenging point is that knowing oneself as an Anglican does not come automatically, depending on your definition of ‘knowing’. For many of us, we have a feeling of what being an Anglican is. Ask a group of Anglicans ‘What is Anglican?’ after church one morning and you’ll receive a varied collection of answers,” says Jonathan Sargeant from St Francis College

Homilies & Addresses

Anglican Indigenous Network: Lambeth Conference 2022

“God calls us to respect one another. This, in part at least, involves respecting people’s territories, traditions and protocols; seeking counsel and consent; and, caring for one another. Respect is also about being welcoming and inclusive. When respect is fostered, harmony presides. When respect is denied, harm is caused,” says Aunty Dr Rose Elu in her Lambeth Conference Anglican Indigenous Network address


Season of Creation: “Listen to the Voice of Creation”

“I love waking early, lying in bed and hearing the birds in the garden and, when I can get away camping, hearing the morning chorus. It makes a great start to the day. On my daily walk in the late afternoon I often hear the birds, insects and frogs marking the end of the day. These experiences help connect me to nature. Whether I am in suburbia or in the bush – it is the same voice of creation that I hear,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore, Chair of Angligreen