Sunday Devotion: 29 November 2020, First Sunday of Advent
Jesus challenges us to keep watch
Jesus challenges us to keep watch
Comfort in times of trouble
The spirituality of action
We each have a contribution to make
Praise the Lord
For what can we praise God?
Belonging to and being loved by God
The first great preachers of the Gospel
Sing to Him a new song
Our God is able
The Lord’s renewing strength
Heaven’s nearness
Alone with God in the wilderness
Can I have some chocolate now?
Witnessing God’s glory
God’s amazing gift
Seeing Jesus, here and now
Not my will, but yours
A less chocolatey Easter
Fear versus rejoicing
Truth from fiction
Jesus, our blue print for life
In Heavenly love abiding
Bearing fruit through ministry
Stepping up and taking responsibility
Holy Spirit and Creation
Learning to behold the mystery
Bowing down in the midst of trouble
Facebook of your heart
Peace! Be still! Quiet the storm within
And they laughed at him…
Marshmallow mayhem
Dance for God like no one’s watching
Dominus regit me – The Lord is my shepherd
Sometimes a fish is just a fish, sometimes it’s a piece of boiled meat
Transformed people transform people
Growing up
Speaking up
The Bread of Life
Being slow in a fast-paced world
When we trust in God, God opens windows
Are we listening?
God is our helper
Jesus is the preserver of our faith
How my mum’s love showed me God’s love
Living out our faith
A lesson in active listening
With truth’s bitterness comes blessing
Secure in God’s love
He shall be to you a restorer of life
Have hope and carry on
Christ be my leader
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